Stop trying to build your business alone*Danny*jpg?alt=media&token=db233d66-11b4-4f42-9763-40e1c68de568
Dan Tatton
Algorithms change, strategies change, the one thing that will never change is the power of building strong lasting relationships to grow your business.

4 ways I can help you*1675868027758*1675861208827*1*svg?alt=media&token=55e4831f-cff0-4bf3-b712-0744c8bddf15*1675868029281*1675861208830*2*svg?alt=media&token=9c53ee64-39eb-40be-81c8-38b8806d2b4e
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Building a Powerful Referral Network Masterclass
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Join the 500 people who have joined the wait list for the 2024 masterclass of how to bulletproof your business through community and connection.  Discover the roadmap I used to help a client get to 280k/year with no social media or even a website.*1675868030581*1675861208831*3*svg?alt=media&token=eff8e3eb-467e-41c6-b2e6-ecec0979576a*1675868031890*1675861208832*4*svg?alt=media&token=e46e45d1-5ddb-4ce2-9cae-1f975b934866
Dare 2 Grow Community
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Join our private vetted community of health and wellness entrepreneurs and leaders who are building their businesses through connection and community.
This is the place I hang out the most.  Connect with me and send me a message.  I would love to meet you.

I am a business coach and entrepreneur.

I built my company Seven Movements to change the world of exercise prescription and have supported over 110 health entrepreneurs in their own journey.  From start up founders to solo-preneurs I love helping people build their dream business.

While different business strategies come and go, the one constant I have seen and taught is the power of building authentic powerful relationships with people who believe what you believe.

All of my coaching now takes pace in the Dare 2 Grow Community where we are cultivating connection and community.  We are doing away with old school thinking of scarcity, competition, and transactional relationships and replacing them with powerful connection that builds entrepreneurs up both personally and professionally.

Reach out to me on Linkedin as I am always open for a chat with entrepreneurs looking to do things differently.*1675868033064*1675348353807*Asset%2525202*svg?alt=media&token=96b46ef8-332f-4409-99d3-b20af4ca0043
Seven Movements

Learn about my own company.  A health and wellness company that delivers micro-dosed exercise prescriptions.*Danny*jpg?alt=media&token=db233d66-11b4-4f42-9763-40e1c68de568
"I am a business coach who is in the arena with my entrepreneurs.  I am not someone who has only ever "coached" others as my sole business.  I am an entrepreneur first,  and one who likes to get my hands dirty."

— Dan Tatton
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